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Top 5 picks for PROTEIN BARS…

Writer's picture: Michelle SchirraMichelle Schirra

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Ok so this is a subject … protein bars, that I have mixed feelings about… mainly because they are used too often to replace eating a good, healthy meal!!

My first choice for you would be to grab a whole food protein snack or a balanced meal especially if you are trying to lose weight or improve your health!

However, I know it’s not a perfect world and we are more on the go than ever before.  Many people are juggling 2 jobs, (especially now since the cost of living has increased), taking care of kids, traveling for work or flat out don’t have to time to cook or prepare food!

So we need an on the go alternative!!

My clients ask me almost everyday to recommend a good quality protein bar for them or which ones I would recommend.  It’s a hard one to answer because each person has their own specific needs, allergies, taste buds and texture issues. And I don’t like all the added ingredients most bars have that you can’t even pronounce!

But, I am in the same boat as all of you and I like to have a bar on hand just in case I am without my normal food or snacks … and I want to have protein in my snacks.

So, I did some digging and tasting to see which bars I felt were best along with other RD and dietician's opinions as well.

Here are MY Top Picks:

1) ALOHA bar- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip or Espresso:

Both are very tasty, soft and chewy and have 14 gms of protein per bar.  No after taste or weird texture issue.  The protein source comes from brown rice and pumpkin seeds, 10 gms of fiber and only 3 grams of added sugar. Sugar source is monk fruit and tapioca syrup.   No erythritol or stevia.

Keep in mind that the espresso bar does have some caffeine but honestly I don’t notice any issues with it as it’s very low… and I can be sensitive, especially later in the day!

2) KIND bar-Dark chocolate nut

Ok so this famous bar hit the charts for its tasty crunch and of course the chocolate appeal. Duh everyone loves chocolate and it has real nuts so it tastes just like a candy bar with 12 grams of protein per bar. Protein source is from soy isolate and almonds & peanuts as the sugar source is from glucose syrup, honey and real sugar.  Nothing fake about this bar! My only drawback, of course, my opinion, is that at 240 cal per bar, they are very small and you eat them pretty fast sometimes so satiation might be a problem!!

In other words, it’s hard to eat just one!!

3) RXBAR Chocolate sea salt bar:

Well, this bar was voted by many to be the number one overall pick for a protein bar with its very few ingredients, no additives, preservatives or added sugar. Protein source is from egg whites and nuts which I love, and the sweetness sources is from dates… which I love as well!

However, I didn’t put it as my number one because it’s very sticky and can get stuck in your teeth.  Not a pleasant experience especially if you are at work or out and about with no dental floss! LOL!

4) Clif Builders Chocolate peanut Protein bar:

Once again, it made the top list as a pre- workout energy boost for those needing a protein/carb combo before a workout. It has a whopping 20 grams of protein and 29 grams of carbs.  Most Clif bars are higher in protein than other bars but do also have the higher carbohydrate content. Protein sources are plant based from soy and peas.

Note that this bar is best for those who are going to be doing a more intense workout with weights for muscle building or a 30 minute or more cardio session.  Very important: This bar is best eaten about an hour before the workout as you want it to provide an energy source for lifting or cardio and  not mess with your stomach.  It has 290 calories so be careful to not use this as a casual snack. It might hinder weight loss or body fat reduction. Sweeteners are from cane syrup and cane sugar and brown rice syrup.

5) PERFECT BAR: Peanut  butter:

This bar made the Top 5 for its meal replacement qualities. Its a bar for those times when you are going too long between your meals with a higher calorie option. It has 340 cal per bar with its protein sources from peanut butter, milk, eggs and rice. Sweetener is from honey and it must be refrigerated!

Keep in mind… it’s not dairy free! But gluten and soy free. The lemon poppyseed is great as well.

They have a mini version with only 120 calories per bar.

All of the bars above are gluten free but please check the labels for your own allergy or sensitivity needs.

Now I hope this helps and can eliminate the guess work for you when choosing a good quality protein bar and save on your pocket book!! 

Many of these bars can be pricey and add up on the grocery bill!

As always, be safe and be healthy!

You mean the world to me!


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